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Before saying I DO!


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Am I really sure?


The Bible in Psalm 65:4 (New King James version). It says, Blessed is the man you choose and causes to approach you. That he may dwell in your courts and shall be satisfied with the goodness of your house...

Pastor T.D. Jakes made a statement once that was morbid but SO true! He said that when choosing a mate, you need to ask yourself whether or not that person is the one you would want to hold your hand as you are lowering your parents' bodies into the grave for the last time. Ladies, that is serious. Meditate on that for a few seconds. Your entire perspective in terms of what you are searching for in a mate should be based on that one question.

Are you dating? Think about your boyfriend. Is he seriously the one you would want holding your hands during the darkest hours of your life? Look even deeper. Is your present boyfriend the type who would offer you assistance during the time of grief? Believe it or not, there are numerous men out here who offer absolutely NO comfort to hurting women. And no, it does not matter whether they are married to those women or not!

I wish you could see some of the personal letters this site receives from married women. Yes, some of them are happy, praise God! However, the ones who are not happy are absolutely miserable. There is no in-between. Either you are happy in a marriage or you are not. There are married women writing saying that their husbands never show authentic affection towards them, never offer expressions of love for them. That is real ladies. Because it is so real, God desires that women are exceptionally careful when choosing a mate. Notice I did not say that women should FIND a mate! I said "choose". There is a huge difference. Turn in your Bibles to proverbs 18:22. It says that He who finds a wife finds a good thing... Interpretation: MEN find women. Women should not be out trying to find a man! HOWEVER, once found, the woman can then choose to be with the man or to wait to be found by a different man.

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